Prezzo Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel

Title: Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel Author: Susan neigh Scott Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks, 2016. 190 Pages. ISBN-13: 9780062434749. From the author of The Theory of Opposites comes a funny and poignant debut novel about a young woman's journey to find herself—and love—in an unlikely place . . . the laboratory. dimensions: 5 x 8 inches

Opinioni Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel

Recensioni di Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel Dettagli del prodotto: Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel is a novel by Australian author, Dr Holly Rhodes. The novel tells the story of Clara, a young woman who is studying chemistry at university. Clara struggles with her studies and finds herself drawn to her professor, James. As their relationship develops, they discover that they have more in common than just their love of chemistry. Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel is a charming and funny book that will appeal to anyone who has ever struggled with their studies or been in love with a teacher. It is also a thoughtful exploration of what it means to be a scientist, and how our relationships with others can shape our understanding of the world around us.

Title: Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel Author: Susan neigh Scott Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks, 2016. 190 Pages. ISBN-13: 9780062434749. From the author of The Theory of Opposites comes a funny and poignant debut novel about a young woman's journey to find herself—and love—in an unlikely place . . . the laboratory. dimensions: 5 x 8 inches

Racconta la storia di Ruth Troutman, un'aspirante chimica che lotta per trovare il suo posto nel mondo della ricerca. Ruth affronta le avversità del sessismo e della discriminazione nell'ambiente scientifico maschile dominante degli anni '60. Nonostante tutto, la sua persistenza e la sua determinazione alla fine pagano e diventa un importante contributore alla comunità scientifica. Lessons in Chemistry è un romanzo divertente ma anche istruttivo che offre un interessante sguardo sulle donne nella scienza.

Recensioni di Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel Dettagli del prodotto: Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel is a novel by Australian author, Dr Holly Rhodes. The novel tells the story of Clara, a young woman who is studying chemistry at university. Clara struggles with her studies and finds herself drawn to her professor, James. As their relationship develops, they discover that they have more in common than just their love of chemistry. Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel is a charming and funny book that will appeal to anyone who has ever struggled with their studies or been in love with a teacher. It is also a thoughtful exploration of what it means to be a scientist, and how our relationships with others can shape our understanding of the world around us.

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  • couldn’t stop reading
  • Excellent book
  • Book Club top 10
  • Lessons in life!
  • What a fun book to

Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel Giudizio: rating: 4.6 / 5.0

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  • Book Club top 10
  • Chemistry is for everyone
  • couldn’t stop reading
  • Excellent book
  • Good Read
  • Lessons in life!
  • One of the Best Books
  • Smart and Funny
  • What a fun book to
  • Unusual atheistic theme runs throughout

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