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Prezzo: 43,97 €
Sconto: 1,32 €

Unieuro Beats Flex Wireless Earphones –
Beats Flex Wireless Earphones – Apple W1 Headphone Chip, Magnetic Earbuds, Class 1 Bluetooth, 12 Hours of Listening Time, Built-In Mic for Phone Calls and “Hey Siri” Support - Black Rinnovato Apple W1 chip Class 1 Bluetooth 12 hours of listening time
Beats Flex Wireless Earphones – Apple W1 Headphone Chip, Magnetic Earbuds, Class 1 Bluetooth, 12 Hours of Listening Time These earphones are the perfect way to enjoy your music on the go. With their sleek design and easy-to-use controls, they are a great choice for any music lover. The earphones feature Bluetooth connectivity so you can pair them with your smartphone or other compatible device and enjoy wireless listening. They also have an integrated microphone so you can take hands-free calls while on the move. The earphones are powered by a built-in rechargeable battery that provides up to 12 hours of playback time per charge.
Beats Flex Wireless Earphones – Apple W1 Headphone Chip, Magnetic Earbuds, Class 1 Bluetooth, 12 Hours of Listening Time, Built-In Mic for Phone Calls and “Hey Siri” Support - Black Rinnovato Apple W1 chip Class 1 Bluetooth 12 hours of listening time
Beats Flex Wireless Earphones sono dotati del chip W1 di Apple per una connessione semplice e rapida ai tuoi dispositivi. Gli auricolari magnetici garantiscono una perfetta tenuta durante la corsa o in altre attività fisiche. La tecnologia Bluetooth di classe 1 offre fino a 12 ore di riproduzione audio wireless senza interruzioni. I Beats Flex mantengono la carica anche dopo due settimane di utilizzo grazie all'indicatore LED della batteria integrato nel controller del volume. Beats Flex Wireless Earphones – Apple W1 Headphone Chip, Magnetic Earbuds, Class 1 Bluetooth, 12 Hours of Listening Time
Beats Flex Wireless Earphones – Apple W1 Headphone Chip, Magnetic Earbuds, Class 1 Bluetooth, 12 Hours of Listening Time These earphones are the perfect way to enjoy your music on the go. With their sleek design and easy-to-use controls, they are a great choice for any music lover. The earphones feature Bluetooth connectivity so you can pair them with your smartphone or other compatible device and enjoy wireless listening. They also have an integrated microphone so you can take hands-free calls while on the move. The earphones are powered by a built-in rechargeable battery that provides up to 12 hours of playback time per charge.
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Prezzo: 43,97 €
Sconto: 1,32 €
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Euronics Beats Flex Wireless Earphones –
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Prezzo: 43,97 €
Sconto: 0,44 € Beats Flex Wireless Earphones –
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