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Unieuro TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car
TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car Detail Tools Aiuta a pulire l'interno dell'auto da polvere e sporco. Può essere utilizzato su qualsiasi superficie curva o piana nell'auto come cruscotto, portiere, ecc. Si adatta alle forme di qualsiasi tipo di utensile per la pulizia dell'auto ed è facile da usare.
TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car Detail Tools Car Cleaning Automotive Dust Air Vent Interior Detail Putty Universal Dust Cleaner is the perfect solution to clean your car's detailing tools, automotive dust, and air vents! This cleaning gel is made of a unique formula that allows it to quickly and easily remove dirt, grime, and other debris from your detailing tools, without damaging them. The gel is also safe to use on all types of surfaces, including paint, plastic, metal, and glass. The TICARVE Cleaning Gel is easy to use; simply apply it to the surface you want to clean, and then wipe it away with a cloth or paper towel. There is no need to rinse or scrub the area afterwards. The gel will leave your detailing tools looking like new again!
TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car Detail Tools Aiuta a pulire l'interno dell'auto da polvere e sporco. Può essere utilizzato su qualsiasi superficie curva o piana nell'auto come cruscotto, portiere, ecc. Si adatta alle forme di qualsiasi tipo di utensile per la pulizia dell'auto ed è facile da usare.
TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car Detail Tools Car Cleaning Automotive Dust Air Vent Interior Detail Putty Universal Dust Cleaner TICARVE è un prodotto per la pulizia automobilistica universale che può essere utilizzato su qualsiasi veicolo. Non inquina l'ambiente e può essere utilizzato anche sugli interni dell'auto. Rimuove lo sporco e la polvere in modo efficace ed ecologico.
TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car Detail Tools Car Cleaning Automotive Dust Air Vent Interior Detail Putty Universal Dust Cleaner is the perfect solution to clean your car's detailing tools, automotive dust, and air vents! This cleaning gel is made of a unique formula that allows it to quickly and easily remove dirt, grime, and other debris from your detailing tools, without damaging them. The gel is also safe to use on all types of surfaces, including paint, plastic, metal, and glass. The TICARVE Cleaning Gel is easy to use; simply apply it to the surface you want to clean, and then wipe it away with a cloth or paper towel. There is no need to rinse or scrub the area afterwards. The gel will leave your detailing tools looking like new again!
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Unieuro TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car
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Amazon TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car
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Sconto: 0,14 €
Euronics TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car
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Mediaworld TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car
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Prezzo: 6,98 €
Sconto: 0,07 € TICARVE Cleaning Gel for Car
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